It's a Matter of Life or Death! From personal experience, if you are fighting a disease, such as cancer, PLEASE always send your medical files to various doctors outside your current hospital and get multiple opinions ASAP. We found that many doctors are told to keep patients "in house" and so patients are not being told about options that could possibly save their lives because that hospital doesn't have that particular machine etc. etc. In my case, my primary doctor was from a top award winning hospital yet they only told me about the "Standard of Care" approach and nothing about the advanced treatments that would have made a big difference. DON'T BE FOOLED! DON"T JUST TRUST YOUR DOCTOR! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!
Cause Effect
Please read "Message from the Servant" as a preface to this page. Images of the Staff of Thoth (the Serpent) see Gods name page
We live in a world that attacks not only our spirit and our minds but also our physical bodies, Disease is rampant and over and over again we ourselves or our loved ones are faced with FEAR and dread from CHALLENGES TO OUR HEALTH. I PRAY THAT THE INFORMATION PRESENTED IN THE medical hypocrisy pages will not only be a source of hope but lead you to a path of a cure. Remember JESUS is the CURE!!!
First we must understand that everything is an effect of a cause. Change the cause and behold a different effect. God made our bodies with an immune system designed to overcome so much however when compromised then we experience all kinds of issues. And there is a lot that compromises our immunity . The First step is understand that your immune system is your gut. You are what you eat and also what you think(negative thinking,stress etc). So as we consume "garbage, high acidic foods there is the cause of the effect which is an already compromised immune system Good news is that YOU can CHANGE this and your health can quickly change. But you must understand what must be done then Do it. The medical industry is not designed to CURE anyone!!!!!
Revelation 13:17New (NIV)
so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
A Pro-Vaccination WORLD RENOWNED
Authority is now speaking out to WARN PEOPLE
before it’s too late…
The Era of Depopulation!!
Are you aware of what is in your food? Human Meat? See Senomyx video! Video censored by YouTube! Do research!!!
Revelation 11:18
18 The nations were angry,
and your wrath has come.
The time has come for judging the dead,
and for rewarding your servants the prophets
and your people who revere your name,
both great and small—
and for destroying those who destroy the earth
Survivoral of the Fittest:
The Evil! Bill & Melanie Gates Foundation!
Bill Gates GMO Everything & Corruption of the World Health Organization !!!
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Visit The Controlled Group Litigation:
More on ChemTrials Visit:
Massive Dump – Doctors explaining why vaccines aren’t safe or effective
Parents PLEASE KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR CHILDS SCHOOL! LOOK ATHE CURICULUM! Listen to what your child is or is not saying to you! It doesn't matter if it's a "top rated" school! Here is one example:
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Forwarded from Q NEWS OFFICIAL TV #WWG1WGA 💛🇺🇸
Boycotting Cannibalism: Foods Containing
Dead Fetal Cells
Every time we eat any of the food sources listed below (and any time we eat the flesh and blood
of another sentient being), we are participating in a satanic ritual. It’s time to say ‘no’ by never
purchasing products made with dead babies again. The following products are manufactured using aborted fetal cells:
– All Pepsi soft drinks
– Sierra Mist soft drinks
– Mountain Dew soft drinks
– Mug root beer and other soft drinks
– No Fear beverages
– Ocean Spray beverages
– Seattle’s Best Coffee
– Tazo beverages
– AMP Energy beverages
– Aquafina water
– Aquafina flavored beverages
– DoubleShot energy beverages
– Frappuccino beverages
– Lipton tea and other beverages
– Propel beverages
– SoBe beverages
– Gatorade beverages
– Fiesta Miranda beverages
– Tropicana juices and beverages
– All coffee creamers
– Maggi Brand instant soups, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasoning, instant noodles
– Black Jack chewing gum
– Bubbaloo bubble gum
– Bubblicious bubble gum
– Chiclets
– Clorets
– Dentyne
– Freshen Up Gum
– Sour Cherry Gum (Limited)
– Sour Apple Gum (Limited)
– Stride
– Trident
– Sour Cherry Blasters
– Fruit Mania
– Bassett’s Liquorice All sorts
– Maynards Wine Gum
– Swedish Fish
– Swedish Berries
– Juicy Squirts
– Original Gummies
– Fuzzy Peach
– Sour Chillers
– Sour Patch Kids
– Mini Fruit Gums
– Certs breath mints
– Halls Cough Drops
Neocutis uses aborted male baby cells after a 14 week gestation period in their anti-wrinkle
creams. The following creams they sell contain aborted fetal cells, but we need to boycott all
their products.
-Bio-Gel Prevedem Journee
-Bio-Serum Lumiere
-Bio Restorative Skin Cream
-MMR II (Merck)
-ProQuad (MMR + Chickenpox — Merck)
-Varivax (Chickenpox — Merck)
-Pentacel (Polio + DTaP + HiB — Sanofi Pasteur)
-Vaqta (Hepatitis-A — Merck)
-Havrix (Hepatitis-A — Glaxo SmithKline)
-Twinrix (Hepatitis-A and B combo — Glaxo)
-Zostavax (Shingles — Merck)
-Imovax (Rabies — Sanofi Pasteur)
-Pulmozyme (Cystic Fibrosis — Genetech)
-Enbrel (Rheumatoid Arthritis — Amgen)
In 1953 a worldwide agreement was made based on an idea by the Rockefeller Foundation to change the frequency of music. They changed it from it's natural harmonic resonance 432hz to the current consciousness supressing 440hz.
Those who control the world, knew what they were doing when they changed the frequency of music , they knew that humanity would become disengaged, dissonant, divided and disconnected.
God, the General Orchestra Director, created the perfect symphony of life, love and light; a wonderful, monumental, magical symphony where everything and everyone plays a part in perfect harmony, unity and frequency, until unfortunately, humanity’s frequency changed.
We are now playing out of tune, out of synch, in the wrong frequency. At odds with nature, with life and with each other.
33.8KviewsFeb 6 at 00:10
Forwarded from Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar
Why Autoimmune Problems May Arise Post-Jab
The antibodies produced by the jab also have several short peptide sequences in them that have previously been found in several human cells that are related to autoimmune disease
Neurological Problems in Women
The shots are also tightly associated with neurological problems such as uncontrollable tremors and shaking. Curiously, this side effect disproportionally affects women. The mechanism here again involves the exosomes.
We May Soon See an Explosion of Parkinson’s Cases
Disturbingly, loss of smell and dysphagia, the inability to swallow, are both signs of Parkinson’s disease, and both of these conditions are being reported post-jab by the thousands. So, in years to come, we could be looking at an explosion of Parkinson’s.
Health Problems We Can Expect to See More Of
In time, Seneff predicts we’ll see a dramatic increase in infections and cancers of all types, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and reproductive issues. As mentioned, research has demonstrated that the spike protein accumulates in the spleen and women’s ovaries.
Without doubt, inflammation in the ovaries is not a good thing. Men also report swollen testes, and that could be indicative of inflammation as well. Preliminary data show women who get the jab within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy have a miscarriage rate of 82% to 91%. There are also VAERS reports describing fetal damage. Of course, it could also impair future fertility.
Another Satanic DISNEY MOVIE coming out in March called "Fresh":
Important Video! PLEASE WATCH:
Cancer Patients Please do your research on the latest technology that is available! Don't just rely on your doctor! Research:
The Forefront of Innovation.
ZAP-X® 3RD SYSTEM. We found one place in USA that offers this technology but again research!
5 ways to fight any viral infection at home
Whether you are fighting an infection now or want to be prepared for a future viral infection, Dr. Stella has put together some general tips on how to fight viral infections of many kinds at home and naturally.
Things you can do at home
Rest: When it comes to viral infections, nothing works like rest. So, give your work and travel a rest and sleep. Sleep helps your body fight the virus and get better.
High Body temperature: Bacteria & viruses do well when your body is at your normal temperature. But if you have a fever, it is harder for them to survive. Keep your body warm by layering up with blankets etc. Fever also activates your body's immune system. You get a fever because your body is trying to kill the virus or bacteria that caused the infection.
Hydration: Load up on fluids. Fever caused by a virus causes dehydration. Load up on water, soups, and warm broths.
Garlic: Garlic in your soup will help your body fight the viruses. The allicin present in garlic has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Studies have shown that eating raw garlic can boost immunity against the virus. You can add it to salsa or mince it and add some olive oil or honey.
Natural compounds that fight viruses
Green tea: Catechins present in green tea have been shown to inhibit the enzymatic action of the virus to reproduce further. Green tea has also been shown to boost immunity against various diseases. Hence, consuming green tea daily may help to reduce the viral load.
Elderberry: The common elderberry has been used to reduce the severity and length of viral infections. Elderberry acts against the virus by binding to them and deactivating the virus.
Echinacea: has become one of the top-selling herbs of all time; that’s because regular use of echinacea is beneficial for immune support and overall health. The phytochemicals in echinacea have shown the capacity to reduce virus infections and tumors.
Cancer Demystified: The Untold Perspective About the #2 Killer in the World
Key Facts That Unravel The COVID-19 Narrative: This is a must read as the Biden Administration is attempting to, once again, force Americans to consent to tyranny.
AFLDS Mask Myths: Masks are about control, especially when you consider there are no medical studies showing they help, and studies showing that they hurt. Not wearing a mask is a strong visual signal that you are a free human being.
Dr. Peter McCullough on Pfizer & Moderna Sharing the Same Marketing Firm as the CDC
“Interestingly Pfizer and Moderna use the same marketing firm, Weber Shandwick. And Weber Shandwick has an installed marketing unit within the CDC vaccine office promoting Pfizer and Moderna preferentially over J&J and Novavax…Walensky and their unit, they paid $53 million to Weber Shandwick to get that marketing.”
Diabetes and high blood pressure no more?
This one juice covers so many issues, including diabetes, anemia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, PCOS, Endometriosis, IBS, Crohn’s disease, weight, loss, headaches, kidney stones and so much more
The beautiful thing about natural fruits and vegetables is that they offer healing benefits that it’s tribute to multiple issues because there are multiple active, medicinal ingredients. This blend contains high amounts of vitamin A, B5, K, B9, potassium, B2, B6, C, phthalides, cooper, iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, Chalene, vitamin E, absorbing acid, limonene.
Ingredients used:
2 green apples
1 whole bunch of lettuce
1 whole celery stalk
5 Cucumbers